Saturday, November 20, 2010

Member Concerns

Regarding the recent PEI All-Breed Show, several things were noted that took place at this show that were both unfair and biased. First of all, an exhibitor showed her dog (and placed) after having judged at the same venue the previous day. Since when is this allowed according to CKC rules? Many of us have experienced the disappointment of being unable to enter a dog because the owner or a relative of the owner was judging. Is it suddenly okay in some instances??

Another disturbing occurrence was having the ring steward ask the Shepherd handler(s)to empty their pockets of toys/treats. WHAT??!! Since when does a ring steward - or anyone else, for that matter - have the right to make this demand? They were apparently "trying something new" for Shepherds. Was this a rule instituted by the hosting club? Doubtful, since they, of all people, would be aware of the rules. This type of action is only ever levied against the handlers/owners of GSD's -- not Beagles, Poodles, Shelties, Labs., etc., etc. If the ring steward made this decision on his/her own, he/she should be made aware of their folly. It's time GSD owners/handlers were treated with the same respect as all other breeds. AND HANDLERS: DON'T BE INTIMIDATED BY A JUDGE OR RING STEWARD IN THIS MANNER! Read the duties and obligations outlined in the Premium List re indignities - it includes "Participant"!